You're Invited to the TSR Projector Shootout Saturday and Sunday, April 5th and 6th 2025

Yes, THE SCREENING ROOM is doing another one of its FAMOUS level playing field controlled Projector Shootouts, and it’s coming up SOON!
SEE!!! JVC, SONY, EPSON and VALERION projectors compared SIDE BY SIDE!
SEE!!! LUMAGEN AND MadVR video processors compared SIDE BY SIDE!
Projectors and video processors to be set up and calibrated by:
SAMMIE PRESCOTT JR. – Projector Central
​​Manufacturer reps and engineers will also be attending!
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday and Sunday APRIL 5th and 6th in Colorado Springs CO! Special Limited Availability Reception / Home Theater Party Friday Night April 4th!
Location for the shootout is the ballroom of the Drury Inn off Interquest and I-25, one hour south of DIA and one half hour north of Colorado Springs Airport. Special room rates available for out of town guests! Please inquire for more details!
The event will run from 1 pm until 6 pm each day. Current plan is to do the same program both days, but if you have the time and inclination, you can attend Saturday and Sunday as there are always variations due to audience participation and modifications to the presentation.
Projectors scheduled to be tested:
Sony Bravia9 XW8100ES
JVC DLA-RS4200 (aka the DLA-NZ900)
JVC DLA-RS1200 (aka the DLA-NZ500)
Epson QL7000
Valerion VisionMaster Pro2
NOTE that the Epson QL7000 is one of the new high brightness projectors from Epson, with a maximum output of 10000 lumens (!). This new projector could be a game changer for the industry, allowing for extremely large screen sizes and high usability in rooms with lots of ambient light! As this projector is over 3X brighter than most of the other models, we may be showcasing this unit separately.
TSR will also be throwing a reception and home theater party Friday night April 4th at John’s house, where you can meet our guests and experience a Revel Be and JBL Synthesis reference theater in the same room!
Food will be provided, and our good friend Alex the Bartender will be making a repeat appearance! THERE IS LIMITED SEATING FOR THE RECEPTION, with special room reserved for out of town guests. Please RSVP ASAP if interested in attending!
(NOTE - models to be compared may change between now and the event - you might want to sign up for our newsletter​ to stay informed on any last minute changes to lineup or guests!)
​​This isn't one of those "Oooh, look!" marketing and sales events; it'll be informative and educational. While the event is a shootout and we will evaluate performance, the goal isn't to "pick a 'hands-down' winner." The goal is to take our time, put these machines through their paces, and learn some things. We'll look at how they handle various content in HDR and SDR, look at the differences, and talk about what the machines are doing - and how they're doing it. Kris Deering and Sammie Prescott Jr. will walk us through various types of content and talk us through what's happening on-screen. We'll even have representatives from the manufacturers there to talk about their products and answer your questions.​
​Event Details
The Drury Inn and Suites
1170 Interquest Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Dates and Times
Saturday and Sunday, April 5th and 6th, 1 - 6 pm each day
RSVP Please email us as soon as possible to RSVP. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Event Sponsors and Partners
It takes a lot of work to put an event like this together. We'd like to thank all of our partners, sponsors, and participants, without whom it wouldn't be possible.