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You're Invited - the Great Sony vs. JVC 4K Projector Shootout, December 9th and 10th at Our Show

Sony vs. JVC 4K Projector Shootout

Since there is so much interest in how well the new Sony native 4K projectors with their high native resolution compare with JVC projectors with their high native contrast, we thought it would be fun to test a variety of JVC and Sony projectors head to head.

Projectors CONFIRMED for the projector shootout December 9th and 10th, 1-6 p.m.:

Sony VPL-VW385ES (MSRP $7999) JVC DLA-RS640 (MSRP $7999) Sony VPL-VW885ES (MSRP $24,999) JVC DLA-RS4500 (MSRP $34,999) This shootout is open to everyone, but please RSVP by contacting us by phone or email.

The Sony and JVC projectors will be calibrated by Gregg Loewen, Worldwide Video Calibration Instructor for THX. All projectors will be shot out side by side and individually on our 144" Stewart 2.35:1 StudioTek 130 reference masking screen. Some of the testing will be done "blind", where those viewing will not know which projector is being viewed at any given time. The shootout will be held in our showroom here in north Colorado Springs, as we have a dark room with total light control - essential for the critical evaluation of projectors. As a "bonus," we will also be showing off our new Stewart StudioTek130 Microperf acoustically transparent screen along with our new JBL SCL2 in-wall speakers, as part of our full 7.4.4 Atmos / DTS-X surround setup. We've been playing with the SCL2s for a couple of days now, and they really do appear to be an in-wall version of the JBL M2 / 4367 Reference Monitors, but with an even bigger soundstage (honestly, it's uncanny how these things throw a soundstage that seems to extend way past their physical location in the wall). If you've never experienced JBL Synthesis, this will be an eye opening experience :) NOTE: critical evaluation of the projectors will be done with our "non" Microperf StudioTek130 screen. Fortunately for us, we can swap out the screen materials on the frame in about five minutes for those who want to compare perfed vs. non-perfed materials. It's also worth noting that we will have screen samples to show from a large variety of screen manufacturers.


In regard to the projectors themselves, it's worth noting that the Sony VPL-VW385ES at $7999 is essentially the same projector as the Sony VPL-VW285ES at $4999, only with the benefit of an automatic iris to bump up dynamic picture contrast. Native contrast on the VW285 and VW385 are the same, so we thought the VW385 was an ideal test candidate since it is essentially two projectors in one - one simply needs to turn off the automatic iris and the VW385 essentially becomes a VW285. Similarly, the JVC DLA-RS640 ($7999) used during our test is practically the same unit as the JVC DLA-RS540 ($5999), only with hand-selected optics and DILA chips for the ultimate "tweaked" performance. However, as you can tell by clicking on the links, the RS640 and RS540 have almost identical specs and feature sets. Much like the Sony VW385 serves as a stand in for the VW285, the RS640 serves as a stand in for the RS540. We will be shooting out the projectors with a variety of 4K / HDR content, plus some standard 1080P Blu-ray thrown in as well. Because we are holding the event in our showroom, the environment will be ideal but seating will be limited. For this reason, we are spreading the event over two days - Saturday and Sunday, December 9th and 10th, from 1 - 6 pm each day. If interested in attending. please let us know as soon as possible and we will reserve you a spot. Here are the details:

Projector Shootout

Location: 429 Coyote Willow Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Dates and times: December 9 and December 10, 1 - 6 pm each day Projectors to be compared: Sony VPL-VW385ES JVC DLA-RS640 Sony VPL-VW885ES JVC DLA-RS4500 Please use this link to RSVP. Hope to see you there, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! HAVE YOUR DISPLAY CALIBRATED BY GREGG LOEWEN, THX CERTIFIED VIDEO CALIBRATOR EXTRAORDINAIRE!


As mentioned above, THX Worldwide Video Instructor Gregg Loewen will be in town to calibrate the projectors for our shootout, plus will be available before the event to personally calibrate your display! Here is a brief list of Gregg's accomplishments: Gregg Loewen President of Lion Audio Video Consultants and Video Standards Instructor for THX Ltd. Gregg has consulted with: Atlantic Technology, Outlaw Audio, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Widescreen Review, Optoma, Pioneer, JVC, Panasonic, LG Electronics, Epson, SpectraCal, Consumer Reports, and THX Ltd. Gregg has personally performed more than 4,000 calibrations over the past 16 years! Right now, Gregg is scheduled to be in town Wednesday, December 6th through Monday December 11th, though Gregg is open to extending his trip if there is enough demand. If you'd like to book his services, Gregg can be contacted directly through this link - or feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to help with arrangements! Gregg is only out this way once in a great while, so make sure you take advantage of his services while you can!

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