Special Promotions on Top Products!
Looking for some great deals? Well, here you go - a selection of specials from TSRAV and some of our favorite partners!

Along with our 2024 Spring Speaker Shootout, we're going to blow out some great audio/video equipment at incredible prices. Tell your friends, tell your coworkers, and tell your boss. Just don't tell your significant other!
Most of this equipment was used for demonstration purposes, so it may have been moved around a little, but likely has very little actual use. Some is even still new in box! If you're interested, just ask! Let's make a deal! We're not messing around.

Arcam AVR10 (New, Qty 2)
Immersive audio 7.1.4 surround receiver - List price $2500, snag one of these for half off - $1250!
Arcam PA240 (Demo, Qty 2)
2-Channel Class G Power Amplifier
• 2 x 380W Class G amplification with both channels driven
• 1 x 790W Class G bridged mode
List price $2750, score one of these for $1800 sold with full warranty!

Revel Salon2 (Demo, Walnut, Pair)
The owner's personal demo speakers in mahogany sold with full five-year warranty. $24,099 per pair MSRP. Get these demo models for $10,500 credit card, or $10K even cash / check.
Revel Voice2 (Demo, Walnut)
The owner's personal demo speaker in mahogany sold with full five-year warranty. $8,799 MSRP. Get this demo model for $4,200 credit card, $4,000 cash / check. We'll throw in the Voice2 cradle for free ($599 value!)
Revel Concerta2 F35 (Demo, White, Pair)
2 1/2 way tower speaker - List Price $880 each, get these demo units for $450 each! AVAILABLE FOR DEMO
Revel Concerta2 F36 (New, Black, Pair)
2 1/2 way tower speaker - List Price $1100 each, score these new in a box for $600 each!
Revel Performa3 F208 (Demo, Walnut, Pair) - SOLD!
True 3-way tower speaker, known as the legendary "Giant Killer" at Harman, beat well-known speakers at many times its price point during double-blind listening tests at Northridge - List Price $2750 each, score these barely used demo speakers for $1500 each with full warranty! AVAILABLE FOR DEMO
Revel Performa3 F206 (Demo, Black, Pair)
True 3 way Tower Speaker, this is the speaker owned by Dr. Sean Olive, one of the top audio researchers in the world - List $1925 each, score these barely used demo speakers for $1200 each!
Revel C208 - (Demo, Walnut) - SOLD!
one of the best center channel speakers on the market at any price, matches the Revel F208 and F206. List price $2200, score this barely used demo speaker for $1200 AVAILABLE FOR DEMO!
C Stand for C208 - SOLD!
List price $330, yours for $150
Revel C205 - (Demo, Black)
matching small form factor center speaker for the Revel F208 and F206 - List price $1100, yours for $500 AVAILABLE FOR DEMO!
Revel M10 - (New, Black, Pair)
on-wall "tower" speaker - List price $499 each, snag these for $249 each (note - makes a great wall mount surround speaker!) - SOLD
Revel C25 - (Demo, Black)
Matching Center Speaker for the Revel F35, F36 and M16 - List $725, yours for $350! AVAILABLE FOR DEMO!
Revel C363DT - (New, Pair)
Stereo in-ceiling speaker, great for bathroom, master closet, etc. - List $330, yours for $200!
Revel C263 - (New, Pair)
6" in-ceiling speaker - List $192, yours for $100!
Revel C263LP - (New, Pair)
6" low profile in-ceiling speaker, List $247, yours for $125!
Revel C283 - (New, Pair)
8" in-ceiling speaker, List $247, yours for $125!
JBL 4329P (Black, Pair)
We have two pairs of these, boxes opened but essentially brand new - these self-powered speakers are freaking amazing, with insane output and bass response PLUS Bluetooth, Airplay Chromecast and Roon built in. Includes the stands and AVAILABLE FOR DEMO!
List price $4500, get these open box speakers for $2750 per pair!
16 channel surround processor - List price $6600, score our dealer demo unit for $3600!
JBL DSi 2.0 SA4-D Amplifier (Demo, Like New)
These are legit JBL Cinema Amps with insane power output, used in both JBL Synthesis and Theatrical systems:
Rated power @8 Ohms (1kHz, 20ms burst, 2 channels driven, 0.5% THC Max): 350W x 4
Rated power @4 Ohms (1kHz, 20ms burst, 2 channels driven, 0.5% THC Max): 700W x 4
Rated power @2 Ohms (1kHz, 20ms burst, 2 channels driven, 0.5% THC Max): 1,050W x 4
Rated power @8 Ohms Bridged (1kHz, 20ms burst, 2 channels driven, 0.5% THC Max): 1,300W x 2
Rated power @4 Ohms Bridged (1kHz, 20ms burst, 2 channels driven, 0.5% THC Max): 2,200W x 2
List price $2750 each, snag these brand new but open box units for $1500 each!

Triad Gold In-Room LCR (Single)
Standing nearly 30 inches tall, weighing in at 55 pounds, and capable of 119dB peak output, this is one of the best-performing and highest-output custom-installation speakers on the market, which is why professional designers use them. We purchased this one for our shootout last year, so it's been out of the box, used for one weekend, and put back in the box. This is a $3,307 MSRP speaker, but you can grab this one for $1,650 plus shipping, like new with warranty. We can also make you a very attractive deal on two more for a complete matching LCR front stage.
Triad Gold In-Wall LCR (Single)
One of the best-performing and highest-output architectural in-wall speakers on the market. We just purchased this one for our shootout this year, so it'll have been out of the box, used for one weekend, and put back in the box. This is a $3060 MSRP speaker, but you can snag this one for $1500, like new with warranty. We can also make you a very attractive deal on two more for a complete front stage.

Pro Gear
We also have some professional audio equipment that John has used in some of his film production work:
Mackie HR824mk2 (Set of 3)
Good condition, one is scratched on the top/side
List $800 each, score these for $450 each
Mackie HR824 (Pair)
List $600 each, score these for $150 each
JBL LSR308 (Set of 3)
List $249 each, score these for $125 each (one has slight damage)

JVC B-Stock Projectors
In our last update we told you about a very special deal we were able to offer on some B-Stock JVC projectors and the response was terrific — we sold out of everything we had!
JVC B-Stock projectors are all sold out at the moment, but if you'd like to put your name on a waiting list in the event we're able to sell more, use the contact us link - here or down below.
Want to see how JVC fares against projector models from Sony and Epson? If so, check out our 2022 Laser Projector Shootout!
If you're interested in purchasing any of the JVC Procision D-ILA projectors or have any questions about these projectors please contact us!

Kaleidescape Upgrade/
Buyback Program
For any of our friends who own a Kaleidesdcape system and may have been considering an upgrade to new equipment or to get more storage space there is a NEW Strato Upgrade Program:
For customers who have one or more Strato players with storage or Alto players with storage, Kaleidescape is offering a new incentive to upgrade to the newer Strato C players and receive $650 in movie store credits* for each new Strato C player purchased. The old player must be returned in order to receive credits, and it must be the original owner.
The following components qualify:
Strato 4K Ultra HD Movie player – 6TB, 10TB
Strato S 4K Ultra HD Movie player – 6TB, 12TB
Alto Movie player – 4TB, 6TB
Strato Upgrade Program Terms:
Old Strato or Alto player must be returned to Kaleidescape
Strato C purchases by an original Strato or Alto player owner
Credits equaling $650 to be applied to customer’s account after new equipment purchase and when old Strato or Alto player is received by Kaleidescape
Intent is to help Strato system owners optimize performance of their systems
All credits are movie store credit only
1-year movie store credit expiry
Updated Buy-Back Program:
In order to help customers consolidate multiple servers to fewer, larger servers, we have added older Terra movie servers to our Buy-Back Program.
Customers who have the following equipment that they are no longer using will receive the corresponding movie store credit* upon returning it to Kaleidescape.
If you send us… You will get…**
M300 movie player - $300 movie credit
1U server chassis - $300 movie credit
M500 movie player - $500 movie credit
Strato S – 6TB, 12TB - $500 movie credit
Terra Movie Server (Compact) – 6TB, 12TB, 18TB, 22TB - $500 movie credit
Terra Movie Server – 24TB - $500 movie credit
Terra Movie Server Chassis - $500 movie credit
M700 disc vault - $1,000 movie credit
DV700 disc vault - $1,000 movie credit
1U+ server chassis - $1,500 movie credit
Terra Movie Server – 40TB, 48TB, 72TB, 88TB - $1,500 movie credit
**Credit is issued when old product is returned; must be in good cosmetic condition
If you're interested in purchasing Kaleidescape products or have any questions about the program, please contact us!
We look forward to earning your business!